June 2015

Gjëndeni këtu

El estudio de la cerámica arqueológica de Lanteira

Continúa el estudio de la ‪cerámica‬ ‪arqueológica‬ de ‪Lanteira‬. Los resultados nos permiten precisar la cronología y la interpretación de varias fases documentadas durante la excavación arqueológica.

The study of ‪‎Lanteira‬ ‪archaeological‬ ‪‎pottery‬

We continue the study of ‪Lanteira‬ ‪archaeological‬ ‪pottery‬. The results are allowing us to precise the chronology and interpretation of the various phases documented during the archaeological excavation.‪

Flotation of archaeological soil samples from Lanteira excavation

Flotation of archaeological soil samples from Lanteira excavation keeps going on. Students in archaeology collaborate in this activity and soon the CSIC, MEMOLA partner, will analyse the recovered seeds in their laboratory in Madrid.

Flotación de muestras arqueológicas de la excavación de Lanteira

Continuamos con la flotación de muestras arqueológicas de la excavación de Lanteira. Los estudiantes de Arqueología colaboran en esta actividad. Próximamente el CSIC, socio MEMOLA, analizará las semillas recuperadas en su laboratorio en Madrid.

The traditional irrigation system and the ‪landscapes‬ of the Monachil's river

J.M.Martín Civantos will present "The traditional irrigation system and the ‪landscapes‬ of the Monachil's river" at the conference "Noches de Historia" in La Zubia, Granada

Sistemet tradicionale të vaditjes në Luginën e Sipërme të Vjosës

Ky studim kishte për qellim regjistrimin, vendosjen ne hartë dhe analizimin e strukturave hidraulike tradicionale të përdorura historikisht në zonën e studimit. Njëkohësisht në bashkëpunim me komunitetin lokal u diskutua mbi mundësitë e rikuperimit dhe rikthimit në punë të disa prej veprave hidraulike të braktisura, të cilat janë me interes në zhvillimin ekonomik të zonës.

Planning the perfect exhibition

Students of differents educative center of the study area of Sierra Nevada designed their ideal model of exhibition about the traditional irrigation systems.

The traditional irrigation systems of Vjosa Valley

The traditional irrigation systems of the study area of the Upper Vjosa Valley. The study consisted on tracking, mapping and analyzing the historic hydraulic structures of the study area, whether these in use or abandoned. At the same time, in collaboration with local communities we discussed on finding possible ways for recovering the historic irrigation systems.

Hydraulic and land use survey in Vjosa Valley

We started the hydraulic and land use studies in Upper Vjosa Valley carried out by CeRPHAAL team during May-June 2015.

Entrevistas sobre saberes tradicionales de riego en Cáñar

Hemos comenzado las entrevistas a los agricultores locales sobre la relación entre la nieve y las acequias; y los servicios ecosistémicos que proporcionan las acequias en Cáñar. Estos estudios son parte de los trabajos de fin de máster de dos estudiantes de ciencias ambientáles que están colaborando con el proyecto MEMOLA. 

Interviews about traditional irrigation practices at Cáñar

We have began interviewing local growers about the relationship between snow and the historical irrigation systems; and the ecosystemic services provided by traditional irrigation practices at Cáñar. This research activity is part of the master thesis on environmental studies of two students collaborating with MEMOLA.

Caracterización hidrológica de la acequia de Barjas

Varios componentes del grupo de Dinámica Fluvial e Hidrología tomaron medidas del flujo de agua circulante, relieve y características del lecho de la acequia de Barjar, para evaluar sus caratisticas hidrológicas y así poder modelar su funcionamiento.

Hydrological characterization of Barjas tradicional irrigation system

Several members of Fluvial Dynamics and Hydrology research group took different measurements of flow, relief and channel bed properties of the Barjas traditional irrigation system, to assess its hydrological properties and model its operation.

Comunicare l'archeologia del paesaggio Euganeo

"Comunicare l'archeologia del paesaggio Euganeo": itinerario storico-culturale nella ‪fortezza‬ ‪medievale‬ di "Rocca Pendice" e uno dei ‪mulini‬ ad acqua presso il "Calto della Contea", con l'associazione locale ‪Comitato Mura di Padova‬ " e alcuni docenti del IIS Euganeo di Este (‪‎MOU‬).

Communicating archaeology of the Euganean landscape

"Communicating archaeology of the Euganean landscape": historical-cultural itinerary in the ‪medieval‬ ‪fortress‬ of "Rocca Pendice" and one of the ‪watermills‬ located in the "Calto della Contea" with the local association ‪Comitato Mura di Padova‬" and some teachers of the IIS Euganeo (‪MOU‬).

UGR presents the recovery of the medieval irrigation channel of Barjas

UGR will present "The recovery of the medieval irrigation channel of Barjas (Cáñar, Granada)" by L. Delgado Anés at the Conference XXXIV Meeting of associations and organizations for the protection of cultural heritage and environment organised by Hispania Nostra.