July 2015

Gjëndeni këtu

Si conclude il secondo turno di ‪scavo‬ a Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci)

Si conclude il secondo turno di ‪scavo‬ a Pizzo Monaco (‪Custonaci‬) . Ringraziamo tutti i volontari e i tecnici che hanno dato il loro contributo in questa seconda fase della ricerca.

The second stage of archaeological ‪excavation‬ at Pizzo Monaco (‪Custonaci‬) ends

The second stage of archaeological ‪excavation‬ at Pizzo Monaco (‪‎Custonaci‬) ends today. We thank all the volunteers and technicians who have contributed in this second phase of the 2015 campaign.

Notte con l'archeologia

il 28 luglio scorso, presso il castello di Baida (Balata di Baida-Castellammare del Golfo), abbiamo presentato i risultati preliminari dell'ultima campagna di scavo a Pizzo Monaco

The night of archaeology

On 28 July, at the castle of Baida (Balata di Baida-Castellammare del Golfo), we presented the preliminary results of the latest excavation campaign in Pizzo Monaco. In the same evening were defined multidisciplinary studies (soil and botanical) included at the research.

Call for papers "Diálogos de saberes ambientales desde la (in) sustentabilidad"

II Seminario Red Universitaria de Historia Ambiental (RUEDHA). Diálogos de Saberes Ambientales desde la (in) sustentabilidad

18-19 febrero 2016. En la facultad de filosofía y letras, Universidad de Granada.

El Grupo de Investigación HUM-952 Red de Estudios sobre Sostenibilidad, Patrimonio Participación, Paisaje y Territorio, La Red de Investigación Saberes Instituyentes y la Spin-Off Paréntesis Natural organizan el II Seminario de la Red Universitaria de Historia Ambiental (RUEDHA), con la colaboración del proyecto MEMOLA. Se celebrará en Granada los día 18 y 19 Febrero de 2016. Se comunica a todos los interesados que esta abierto el plazo de presentación de ponencias o mesas temáticas hasta el 30 de Septiembre de 2015.

Los ejes temáticos para la presentación de ponencias o de mesas temáticas son amplios y diversos pero podemos concretar que la agenda de trabajo pivotará alrededor de:

-Conflictos Ambientales-Mineros

- Ecología Política

- Manejo de Agroecosistemas

Metabolismo Social

-Riesgos Ambientales

- Justicia Ambiental, etc.

 Atendiendo al volumen de presentaciones y propuestas de comunicación se articularán tantas sesiones paralelas sean necesarias para el correcto desarrollo de las mismas.

Opción A. Mesas Temáticas/ Diálogos de Saberes. Proyectos de Investigación sobre Historia Ambiental en el contexto español y americano.

Se podrán presentar Mesas Temáticas, alrededor de los ejes previstos, con un moderador y/o coordinador que plantee 3-5 comunicaciones para articular el debate y la reflexión. Estas Mesas responden al enfoque que se proponía en la primera circular, optando por mesas que aglutinen los resultados de los diferentes proyectos de Investigación existentes en el contexto hispanoportugues. Estas propuestas deberán hacerse llegar al email del congreso antes del día 30 de Septiembre 2015, siendo confirmada la participación en el Taller antes del día 15 de Noviembre 2015. Cada propuesta deberá recoger título, investigadores/instituciones participantes, resumen de no más de 1000 palabras demostrando la coherencia de la sesión propuesta y los integrantes de la misma con sus respectiva ponencias. 

Opción B. Ponencias Individuales/Talleres de Jovenes Investigadores. Podemos hacer una Ecología de Saberes como apuesta epistémica de futuro? 

De igual manera se presentarán ponencia a titulo individual que serán articuladas en formato de Talleres de Jovenes Investigadores, aceptando propuestas que contemplen título con nombre de autor, filiación, datos de contacto académico (email, teléfono y dirección), junto con un abstract de máximo 300 palabras. La fecha límite de recepción de propuesta será 30 de Septiembre de 2015, siendo confirmada la participación por comunicación del comité organizador antes del 15 Noviembre 2015.

Las propuestas serán evaluadas por el comité científico con el fin de asegurar el máximo nivel científico de los participantes, siendo el citado comité –abajo indicado- el encargado de comunicar a los participantes la aceptación de las ponencias como participantes en el Seminario.

Toda la información será remitida hacia y desde el email oficial del encuentro.

Email Seminario RUEDHA: ruedha2016@gmail.com , aortegas@ugr.es La organización del Seminario, desde el ámbito de la UGR, plantea una adecuada selección de los trabajos presentados para proceder con los más adecuados a la publicación de un libro en formato electrónico que inicie una serie de documentos que recogan los avances de los trabajos de Historia Ambiental desde el contextos español y americano.

Comité Científico

José Miguel Lana Berasain (Universidad Pública de Navarra)

Iñaki Iriarte Goñi (Universidad Zaragoza)

Manuel González de Molina (Universidad Pablo Olavide)

Enric Tello (Universidad Barcelona)

José María Martín Civantos (Universidad de Granada)

Lourenzo Fernández Prieto (Universidad Santiago de Compostela)

Andrés Sánchez Picón (Universidad Almeria)

Alberto Matarán Ruiz (Universidad de Granada)

Juan Diego Pérez Cebada (Universidad de Huelva) 

Comité Organizador

Antonio Ortega Santos (UGR/SAB-INS/HUM 952)

Pablo Corral Broto (UGR/EHESS)

Aurora Alvarez-Veinguer (UGR/SAB-INS)

Lidia Bocanegra (Oficina Proyectos Internacionales, UGR / HUM 952)

Mayka de Castro (Departamento Historia Contemporánea, UGR/HUM 952)

Chiara Olivieri (Departamento Historia Contemporánea, UGR/ HUM 952)

Lara Delgado Anés (UGR /MEMOLA project)

Francisco Ruiz Ruiz (UGR/ MEMOLA project)

L'associazione "SiciliAntica-Castellammare del Golfo" visita Pizzo Monaco

Il 27 luglio scorso sono venuti a trovarci sul cantiere di Pizzo Monaco alcuni soci dell'associazione "SiciliAntica-Castellammare del Golfo"

The Association "SiciliAntica-Castellammare del Golfo" visits Pizzo Monaco

On 27 July came to visit us on site of Pizzo Monaco some members of the Association "SiciliAntica-Castellammare del Golfo"

Day of Archaeology in the MEMOLA project

Friday was the Day of Archaeology. 

The MEMOLA project presented the work undertaken at its four study areas by project partners.

  • EAP: Maurizio Toscano, MEMOLA project technology manager, works on the finishing touches of the new Activities page of project website. This section collect all actions taken in the last 18 months, organised across the several disciplines involved in our research.
  • Vjosa Valley (Albania): CeRPHAAL team, partner of MEMOLA project, working with the mapping and analyzing of the traditional hydraulic systems recorded during the field survey of May- June undertaken in the territory of the Upper Vjosa Valley, where are included the irrigation channels, water-powered mills, reservoirs, water pumping stations, etc. At the same time, we are evaluating the historic and current land use and parcelization based on field and historical data.
  • Sierra Nevada (Spain): The University of Granada team, a MEMOLA partner,  is processing the archaeological data revealed during the excavations of “Pago del Jarafi” (Lanteira, Granada-Spain). During the first excavation campaign, which was in October of 2014, we documented a medieval quartier of Lanteira. Four sondages were opened uncovering a big house, four silos and an Islamic cemetery.
  • Colli Euganei (Italy): University of Padova team, partner of MEMOLA project, working on historical maps, aerial photography and LIDAR to rebuild the historical landscape of the Colli Euganei hills (Italy) in a GIS platform. In this GIS platform they upload the information from different archaeological fieldwork like the Hydraulic survey back in February, that allowed them to locate numerous water mills and analyse their architectural features. All this information is used to understand the evolution of the Colli Euganei Cultural Landscape.
  • Monti di Trapani (Italy): The Day of Archaeology in the MEMOLA study area of Monti di Trapani (Sicily-Italy). The University of Granada, The University of Sheffield and Arqueoandalusí Arquelogía y Patrimonio S.L  are currently working in the excavation of Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani).  The University of Palermo is involved with soil sampling for  pedological analysis, while the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC is working with the flotation of stratigraphic soils taken at various occupation levels defined during the excavation.  A number of international students, coming mostly from Spain and Italy are participating in the excavation. The first excavation of the MEMOLA project at the site of Pizzo Monaco took place in October and November of 2014 and was authorized by the Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Trapani. During this activity we excavated four cells and the main entrance of a fortified structure, identified as a possible collective granary from Islamic times (10th?-11th centuries). After the results of archaeological excavation and archaeobotanical and environmental analysis, the site was interpreted as a possible collective fortified granary (aghadir) dated in the Islamic period (10th?-11th century).

L'associazione " Salviamo il Castello di Baida" visita la scavo di Pizzo Monaco

La settimana scorsa sono venuti a trovarci sullo scavo di Pizzo Monaco alcuni soci dell'associazione " Salviamo il Castello di Baida"

The association "Save the castle of Baida" visits the excavation of Pizzo Monaco

Last week came to visit us at the excavation of Pizzo Monaco some members of the Association "Save the castle of Baida"

MEMOLA project participates in the Day of Archaeology 2015

MEMOLA project participates in the Day of Archaeology 2015, promoted among others by the European project NEARCH. The Day of Archaeology aims to provide a window on the daily lives of archaeologists from around the world. The project asks people working, studying or volunteering in the archaeological world to participate recording their day and sharing it on their website to the public. From the MEMOLA project we support this initiative as a way to publicise the work we daily do in the four study area.

Si conclude anche la seconda settimana di ‪scavo‬ a Pizzo Monaco (‪Custonaci‬)

Si conclude anche la seconda settimana di ‪scavo‬ a Pizzo Monaco (‪Custonaci‬) . Ringraziamo tutti i volontari e i tecnici che hanno dato il loro contributo in questa prima fase della ricerca. ‪

The first stage of archaeological ‪excavation‬ at Pizzo Monaco (‪Custonaci‬) ends

The first stage of archaeological ‪excavation‬ at Pizzo Monaco (‪‎Custonaci‬) ends today. We thank all the volunteers and technicians who have contributed in this first phase of the 2015 campaign.

Vjosa Valley - Ethographic study 1st phase

Kjo fazë e parë e studimit u përqendrua në një seri fshatrash të Luginës së Sipërme të Vjosës. Nëpërmjet intervistave të kryera me banorët më të vjetër të zonës, studimi synonte të mblidhte informacion mbi mënyrat e vjetra dhe ato të sotshme të të jetuarit, përqendruar në mënyre të veçantë në aspektet e prodhimit dhe të shërbimit, tipologjitë e ndërtimeve lokale, komunikimin, ekonominë, zakonet, etj. Gjithashtu një vëmendje e veçanta iu kushtua studimit të grupit etnik, kulturor dhe linguistik Vllahos, një minoritet historik nomad i lidhur ngushtë me territorin e luginës.

Vjosa Valley - Ethnographic study 1st phase

The first phase of the ethnographic and ethno-archaeological study was extended in a series of villages of the Upper Vjosa Valley. A number of interviews were conducted with the elderly people of the valley aiming at collecting information on their past and current ways of life, focusing particularly on their productive and service activities, construction typologies, communication, economy, behaviors, etc. Also, a specific attention was dedicated to the study of the ethnical, cultural and linguistic Vlahos community, a nomadic minority group, which has been historically related to the area. 

Detecting and Understanding Historic Landscapes

New publication of the ‪Medieval‬ ‪Archaeology‬  group from the‪‎ University of Pad‬ova about the study of the historical ‪landscapes‬ historians. There are contributions of various experts of international prestige and some members of MEMOLA project as Alexandra Chavarría, Gian Pietro Brogiolo, Armando DeGuio or José María Martín Civantos.

Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR

El proyecto MEMOLA participa en el I Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR (Madrid), organizando el panel de expertos "Cultura, Paisaje y Gestión Comunitaria: aproximación desde las ciencias sociales a los sistemas tradicionales de aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales", que reunirá a investigadores de distintas universidades de España. Día 8 de julio de 2015. 14:30 horas. Aula 13. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid". 

Congress on Anthropology AIBR

The MEMOLA project participates in the I International Congress on Anthropology AIBR (Madrid), organizing the expert panel "Culture, Landscape y Community Management: approach from de social sciences to the traditional natural resources use systems", which will gather experts from many spanish universities. 8 july 2015. 2:30 pm. Classroom 13. Faculty of Psichology. Autonomous University of Madrid. 

CeRPHAAL filloi përgatitjen e një dokumentari filmik

CeRPHAAL filloi përgatitjen e një dokumentari filmik mbi Luginën e Sipërme të Vjosës. Dokumentari do të jetë një përmbledhje e të gjitha aspekteve të aktiviteteve dhe rezultateve të projektit MEMOLA të kryera në këtë territor studim. 

CeRPHAAL preparing a film documentary

CeRPHAAL preparing a film documentary on the Upper Vjosa Valley. The documentary will record all the various aspects of the activities of the MEMOLA project undertaken in this study area.

¿Cómo se mide la lluvia?

Ramón, agricultor de ‪Cáñar‬, nos enseña a medir la lluvia con un ‪pluviómetro‬. Este instrumento nos permite recoger y medir la cantidad de precipitación líquida durante un período determinado de tiempo en Cáñar (Granada)

How to measure rain?

Ramón, grower of Cáñar, teaches us how to measure the amount of rain with a ‪pluviometer‬. This instrument serves to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation over a set period of time in ‪Cáñar‬  (Granada).

Preliminary soil surveys in the Upper Vjosa Valley

The University of Palermo and CeRPHAAL association started the preliminary soil surveys in the Upper Vjosa Valley. A first screening of soils variability was carried out, particularly focused around the sites of Lëmenjëza and Magjirica. A variety of soil types were observed, looking mainly at factors and processes of soil formation. We also identified the study area where the land evaluation will be performed.

Land use and biodiversity assessment of the Upper Vjosa Valley

The University of Palermo and the CeRPHAAL association started the land-use and biodiversity assessment in the traditional agroecosystems of the Upper Vjosa Valley. The focus of the study was the observation of current and historical land-use patterns of the territory. A floristic collection around the sites of Lëmenjëza, Magjirica and the surrounding areas was carried out. Also we began a survey of the ethno-varieties of vines traditionally cultivated in the Upper Vjosa Valley.