Sierra Nevada

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Capa de con geometría puntual donde se localiza un yacimiento, entendido éste como concentración cerámica, era, cortijo, villa, necrópolis, asentamiento, complejo minero, aljibe, castillo, alquería, caserío, concentración escorias, molino, taller metálico, etc.

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Description of the snowfall trend in the study area in Sierra Nevada which cover a total of 4583.72Km2.  This information is needed to analyze the change in the study period, which include 40 year of study (1961-2000), and to know which are the most most affected by the loss of snow.

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The average annual snowfall distributed in Sierra Nevada Mountains (4583.72 Km2) for the period 1961-2000 is represented in this map. This variable is expressed in accumulative mm per year.

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This map describes the average annual precipitation (mm) distributed in the Sierra Nevada area for the 1961-2000 study period. The study area covers a total of 4583.72 km2. The map were obtained through the interpolation of data observed in the meteorological stations available in the area.

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Red de acequias de Sierra Nevada, con más de 4500 elementos lineales por un total de casi 180 km.

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Description of the soil water characteristics of the study area in Cáñar (Sierra Nevada). This information is needed to analyze the productivity and water use efficiency of the agroecosystems through the implementation of the agronomic and hydrological model (See D5.2). 

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Naturalness map, with four categories: Agricultural, High Naturalness, Seminatural and Artificial.

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MEMOLA project aims to promote heritage education with a focus on cultural landscapes, through the transmission of local knowledge, creation of participative spaces and inclusion of the educational community.

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After 35 years of abandonment, UGR recovered 5 traditional irrigation channels with Lugros, Guadix and Graena local irrigators communities and volunteers.

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The archaeological museums have evolved and redefined themselves including the Cultural Landscapes inside them. In fact, landscape has passed to be a protected area close to the archaeological site to have its own entity.

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