P. Romero Pellitero

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This paper aims to demonstrate the scope of application of digital 3D photogrammetry in archaeological practice.

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El término Teledetección hace referencia a la obtención de información sobre un área u objeto sin que medie necesariamente un contacto directo, englobando diversas disciplinas (cartografía, fotogrametría, técnicas aeroespaciales, etc.) El caso de la prospección en zonas montañosas presenta la com

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Ever since the project design to the site of El Jarafi (Lanteira, Granada – Spain) was laid out, the photogrammetry 3D was defined as the method of registration, followed by the methodology established within the project MEMOLA.

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The development of new softwares and techniques, such as Structure from Motion (SfM), has provided archaeologists access to a documentation of highest quality and precision.

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Using structure from motion (SFM) techniques in the MEMOLA project. Poster presented at the VIIIth Young Researchers in Archaeology Conference (JIA 2015).

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Final archaeological plan of the Area 60000 at "pago del Jarafí" (Lanteira, Granada). It is visible a big bell-shaped silos, excavated in the rock and abandoned around the XII century.

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Final archaeological plan of the Area 30000 at "pago del Jarafí" (Lanteira, Granada).

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Rock excavated structure used to hold a bid jar (tinajero in Spanish). Its dimensions are: 0.95 metres wide and 0.64 metres deep. It was filled with several stratigrafic units and has been excavated in 2014.

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Partial view of 24 graves of a medieval necropolis excavated in 2014 in the area known as El Jarafí, an already documented medieval neighbourhood in Lanteira, Granada (Spain).

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