MEMOLA publishes the e-book "La Alpujarra. Cultural Landscape"
MEMOLA project publishes today the e-book "La Alpujarra Paisaje Cultural" (400MB - download over Wi-Fi)
The University of Granada, Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio S.L. and the University of Sheffield presented the documentary "The recovery and put in use the medieval irrigation channel of Barjas (Cáñar, Granada-Spain)" by J.M. Martín Civantos; M.T. Bonet García; R. Corselli; L. Delgado Anés and P. Romero Pellitero in the SOPA15 3rd International congress for heritage education and socialization in rural areas.
MEMOLA project publishes today the e-book "La Alpujarra Paisaje Cultural" (400MB - download over Wi-Fi)
IGME ( Geological Survey of Spain) continues with the study of spring's flow of "Era Alta" at Cañar (Granada, Spain). The record of the spring's flow lets know how to affect the artificial recharge of the aquifer and the hydrogeological functions, that will take place up the spring.
The University of Padova presents to the parents of IIS Euganeo and the inhabitants of Este educational activities being undertaken in the MEMOLA project frame
The university of Granada, Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio S.L. and UNESCO center of Andalucía visit the high mountain irrigation channel of Cáñar (Granada) with the environmental agent of Natural and Nacional Park and the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain.
Making of the exhibition "The channels". Students of the High School "Fray Luis de Granada" design, as co-researchers of the MEMOLA project, the temporay exhibition about the historical irrigation systems.
Making of the exhibition "the Channels". Students in history, archaeology, anthropology, environmental, etc. collaborate collecting information about the historical and traditionals irrigation channels. The exhibition will be in 2017
EcoCáñar farmers sold their first organic kiwi production. Con-Sumo Cuidado, specialised in organic products, sold kiwis from Cáñar.
MEMOLA project has been selected by the EU Humanities Scientific Committee as one of the top five innovative research projects in the humanities. In the article "Radical Innovation: Knowledge Humanities Research Crossing Boundaries and Fostering Deep Change", published in December 2015, the European Scientific Committee highlights those contributions that put the Arts and Humanities at the center of research innovation.
Visit the traditional irrigation channel of high mountain of Cáñar (Granada). We are working for the next restoration campaign of the traditional irrigation channel.
The MEMOLA project issued its first European Policy Brief, as a central advocacy tool to promote dialogue for political and social change. This policy brief summarises the findings on the impact of the European water policy on the water cultural heritage associated with historical irrigation systems.