Hug your heritage on Valentine's Day
Orgiva High School starts the sponsorship of the medieval traditional irrigation system of Beber (Órgiva, Granada), endorsing the campaign "I Love Heritage, Hug your heritage on Valentine's Day"
Last week started the second stage of the IV archaeological excavation campaign at "Pago del Jarafí" (Lanteira, Granada).
Orgiva High School starts the sponsorship of the medieval traditional irrigation system of Beber (Órgiva, Granada), endorsing the campaign "I Love Heritage, Hug your heritage on Valentine's Day"
Vídeos de las conferencias "Sistemas históricos de regadío: entre la conservación y la modernización"
JM Martín Civantos will give a presentation of MEMOLA project at the International Conference Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating Relationships. The event is organised by RICHES project.
JM Martín Civantos will give a presentation at the International Seminar about World Heritage Declaration.
JM Martín Civantos will give a presentation titled "Modeling landscape with water" at the II Encounter with History at the Alpujarra. Agriculture and alpujarreña Moorish cuisine.(Mecina Bombaron, Granada)
La Universidad de Granada y Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio S.L inauguran las visitas guiadas por la excavación arqueológica de Lanteira.
La Universidad de Granada, Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio SL y el Centro UNESCO de Andalucía participaron en La Noche Europea de los Investigadores en Granada.
The University of Granada and the University of Padova will present a poster at the 3rd International Landscape Archaeology Conference.
UGR will present "Water and soils historical management in Sierra Nevada. Peasant strategies to transform a Mediterranean mountain into a vegetable garden (Granada-Almería, Spain) " by J.M.Civantos in the European Association of Archaeologist. 20th Annual Meeting.
El sábado 28 de junio del 2014 se inauguró la acequia de Barjas en Cáñar (Alpujarra, Granada). Tras más de 30 años de abandono su recuperación ha sido posible con la ayuda de más de 180 voluntarios procedentes de distintos puntos de la geografía nacional e internacional