Sierra Nevada

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Exhibitions are an important tool of comunication and dissemination of the scientific studies carried out within the framework of the MEMOLA project. They allows us to connect with local communities, scientists and people interested in the topic to let them know different aspects of cultural landscapes.

At the same time they are also a tool for citizens engagement, since we involve local communities in the provision of material and in some case also in organisation and design decision-making.



The MEMOLA project carry out a wide ethnographic study within the cultural landscapes with aim to analize, understand and register the traditional strategies used by the local communities in order to manage their own agrosystems, especially the way in which they use the natural resources through ancient knowledges, the social organization and the common law that regulate the communal use of the resources, or the resilience capacity that these socio-ecological systems show to face with threat that affect their stability.


These encounters have a long-term purpose. The goal is to inform about tools that are available in order to improve the agricultural and livestock activity in the area, in the context of current market dynamics. These conversations are facilitated by the agronomist MEMOLA team (from Universidad de Córdoba), the AGROECOSOST group from IFAPA and the agroecologist business Con-sumo Cuidado.

The search and study of hydraulic systems aims to analyze and understand the historical uses of water. The implementation of an hydraulic survey in this area consisted of a topographic survey of the historical irrigation systems running through the territory, using GPS technology. The data gathered has been digitized with its corresponding alphanumeric information, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

An ethnographic study about the Local Irrigators Community has been developed with the goal of understanding, analyzing and documenting the historical and current strategies of water management for agricultural purposes in high mountain zones; as well as comprehend their contribution to the creation of a landscape with great cultural value. The emphasis of this study has been the traditional water distribution among the locals and community organizing for the maintenance of the traditional irrigation infrastructure.

UCO, IISTA and IGME monitor the historical Irrigation systems of Barjas, infiltration area of Cerromán and source of Pueblo Alto. The installed capacitance water level recorders allow, through the corresponding expenditure curve obtained by standard methods, known circulating flows, recharged and drained in the hydrogeological system.

This activity is organised in collaboration with the ecology lab of CEAMA. The goal is to understand the evolution of the landscape and the changes produced by the cultural management of its natural resources.

Farms characterisation and crop management study in Cañar. 


We conceive archaeological activity in a complex and comprehensive way. In general we can say that the MEMOLA project falls within the Landscape Archaeology, seen as the result of a coevolutionary process and a synthesis of social relations. The landscape is, in this view, a historical product and as such, part of the material culture of the societies that have built it over time.


Students of Alpujarra High School (Orgiva, Granada) visit their Cultural Landscapes with the local irrigators community.
