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CeRPHAAL organizing a guided tour visit with “Nonda Bulka” school students at the excavation of Magjerice, Permet.​

Durante le esercitazioni dell’insegnamento “Sistemi Informativi Geografici per l’analisi della Biodiversità”, tenuto dal prof. Giuseppe Bazan nel Corso di Scienze Biologiche dell'Università di Palermo, gli studenti hanno analizzato gli habitat dell’area dei Monti Di Trapani. Gruppi di lavoro interdisciplinari (biologi, pianificatori territoriali e geologi) hanno appreso e applicato alcuni aspetti metodologici di analisi della vegetazione e di valutazione dello stato di conservazione del paesaggio già sperimentati nel progetto MEMOLA.

150 students from Colegio Cristo de la Yedra visit the archaeological excavation of a Roman altar and pottery kilns exhibited in the Education Science Faculty from the University of Granada,

During 3 days UGR carried out an educational activity in the archaeodrome of Cristo de la Yedra school. 75 primary ‪students‬ were learning to be archaeologists‬, practicing excavation techniques and methodology, filling archaeological forms and sieving archaeological sediments.

With a few simple gestures you can walk in the Euganean Hills discovering the most significant and evocative views of this territory and the populations who lived and transformed it over time.

Summer School about doing archeology and research on historic landscapes with local stakeholder from Euganean Hills. 3-7 April 2017, Galzignano Terme (PD).

Spring Lectures - 2017

J.M. Martín Civantos, Universty of Granada - Archaeology and local communities in the study of historical landscapes, 07/03/2017 - Padova


MEMOLA Padova team keeps going its communication activities in schools with tools and methods on agricultural landscapes of the Euganean Hills, with the help of Cariparo Foundation financing (Bando Attivamente). From Este to Monselice and Padua, boys and girls learn to read historical maps, satellite images and architectures to reconstruct and understand our historical landscapes!

The University of Granada takes part in the PIIISA project to introduce research in the Andalusian High School. We proposed to work with students on the Cultural Landscapes and the historical irrigation systems using Minecraft.

On the first day, José Mª Martín Civantos gave a introductional lesson to High School students about Cultural Landscapes and Historical and Traditional Irrigation Systems. Later on, university students teached how to play with Minecraft and the tools necessary to build a landscapes. 

60 students in physical and forensic anthropology at the University of Granada have made a full week of master practice in "Cristo de la Yedra" school archaeodrome (Granada). 
