Water Management

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After 35 years of abandonment, UGR recovered 5 traditional irrigation channels with Lugros, Guadix and Graena local irrigators communities and volunteers.

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Snow plays a crucial role in the hydrological regime in mountainous regions. The specific features of Mediterranean regions, with the alpine climate modified by semiarid conditions, difficult the monitoring and modelling of the snow evolution.

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Fluvial Dynamics and Hydrology research group (UCO) presented a poster in the 7th International Water Resources Management Conferences of ICWRS

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Presented by UCO and UGR in "Session 8: Landscape management for food and ecosystem services" at the XIV Congress of the European Society for Agronomy.

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This exhibit was held in the town square of Cáñar, organised by the MEMOLA project in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

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BROGIOLO, G.P.:“Flooding in Northern Italy during the Early Middle Ages: Resilience and adapta-tion”. European Journal of Post-Classical Archeologies. Vol 5, 2015, SAP Società Archeologica s.r.l.

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The cleaning of the irrigation channels (acequias) is performed every year by local irrigators in Cáñar to ensure the smooth operation of irrigation during the summer.

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After twenty years of abandonment, and even forty in the case of the branch of La Hijuela, the traditional irrigation system of Barjas was rehabilitated in collaboration with the National and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, and CEAMA.

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