P. Romero Pellitero

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3D model of an individual from the medieval necropolis with 22 tombs excavated in 2014 in the area known as El Jarafí, an already documented medieval neighbourhood in Lanteira, Granada (Spain).

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Rock excavated structure interpreted as a silo. It has been found filled with several stratigraphic units and sealed by a wall during the 2015 archaeological campaign in the area known as El Jarafí, Lanteira (Granada - Spain).

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Rock excavated storage structure (silos), 1.25 metres wide and 2.57 metres deep, found in 2015 archaeological campaign in the area known as El Jarafí, Lanteira (Granada - Spain). It was filled with various stratigraphic units.

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Stratigraphic sequence of excavation area 50000. Two archaeological layers have been identified, corresponding to the terrace filling for agricultural purposes. Dimensions: 6 x 6 m. Depth: 0.70 m.

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3D‬ model of a ‪12th century medieval‬ ‪cooking‬ ‪pot‬ from the ‪archaeological‬ ‪excavation‬ of ‪Lanteira‬, Granada (Spain).

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