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Ever since the project design to the site of El Jarafi (Lanteira, Granada – Spain) was laid out, the photogrammetry 3D was defined as the method of registration, followed by the methodology established within the project MEMOLA.

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The diversity of life is made up not only of the diversity of plants and animal species, habitats and ecosystems, but also of the diversity of human cultures.

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Atti della XIX Conferenza Nazionale SIU - Società Italiana degli Urbanisti. - CAMBIAMENTI responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica al servizio del paese, 2016

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Following a systemic approach, historic landscapes are analyzed as a group of elements (infrastruc- tures, settlements, central places, ...) in relation to agrarian landscapes and non-cultivated spaceswhich in the past were the main productive activity.

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This study aims to reconstruct historic landscapes from the Roman period to the Modern Era in the southern territory of Padua, in an area between the Euganean Hills (on the West), the Bacchiglione river on the East and the settlement of Pernumia on the South.

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This paper analyzes the modification of settlement patterns, agrosystems and the man-agement of land and water associated with the alluvial phenomena detected in the Paduaplain from ancient to modern times.

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Desde hace más de dos siglos, las Comunidades Oasianas de Baja California Sur han estado viviendo en intima conexión con su medio ambiente.


Tackling the Sicilian woody vegetation as a case-study, this work aims to verify the correspondence between Rivas-Martínez's bioclimatic units and the main vegetation series in the Mediterranean region.

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A poster titled “Plant communities and landscape diversity in NW Sicily: The MEMOLA EU FP7 Project case study” was presented at IV International Plant Science Conference (IPSC) held in Parma (Italy) on September 20-22, 2017.

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La prima escursione è dedicata a Piano della Battaglia (comune di Petralia Sottana), leggendaria località del comprensorio, in quanto sede di un sanguinario scontro tra Saraceni e Normanni; essa è ubicata nella parte alta delle Madonie (1572 m s.l.m.), tra i rilievi di Pizzo Carbonara (1979 m s.l

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