Sierra Nevada

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This paper aims to demonstrate the scope of application of digital 3D photogrammetry in archaeological practice.

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This education digital resource has been put together by Maurizio Toscano (Eachtra Archaeological Projects Ltd) and Lara Delgado (University of Granada), with the collaboration of several researchers and illustrators belonging to other institutions.

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MEMOLA project infographic tries to quantify in numbers all the project effort and the work done in the last four years in an attractive format, highlighting relevant achievements and the impact produced in the four study areas.

MEMOLA project aims to promote heritage education with a focus on cultural landscapes, through the transmission of local knowledge, creation of participative spaces and inclusion of the educational community.

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Dentro del proyecto MEMOLA trabajamos en comunicar, involucrar y fomentar la participación de las comunidades locales en diferentes actividades del proyecto, tanto en el proceso de investigación como en la parte de comunicación y difusión.

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El término Teledetección hace referencia a la obtención de información sobre un área u objeto sin que medie necesariamente un contacto directo, englobando diversas disciplinas (cartografía, fotogrametría, técnicas aeroespaciales, etc.) El caso de la prospección en zonas montañosas presenta la com

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Ever since the project design to the site of El Jarafi (Lanteira, Granada – Spain) was laid out, the photogrammetry 3D was defined as the method of registration, followed by the methodology established within the project MEMOLA.

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Vegetation cover in Sierra Nevada (Spain).

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