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The age-old practice of charcoal has fostered its production as fuel for several human activities for both domestic and industrial purposes.

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Los sistemas históricos de regadío son un ejemplo de modificación y adaptación del ser humano al medio natural. Su funcionamiento está ligado a complejos conocimientos ecológicos locales de las poblaciones que los han mantenido históricamente.


Historical irrigation systems are linked to the complex local ecological knowledge of the populations that have maintained them historically. Knowledge related to plants and animals, soil and surface and underground water.


After 35 years of abandonment, UGR recovered 5 traditional irrigation channels with Lugros, Guadix and Graena local irrigators communities and volunteers.

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On Friday, June the 6th 2014, the primary school CPR El Alféizar in Cáñar (Granada) organised an intergenerational meeting in which the elders talked about how was the life in Cañar when they were young.

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This exhibit was held in the town square of Cáñar, organised by the MEMOLA project in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

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This activity is organised in collaboration with the ecology lab of CEAMA. The goal is to understand the evolution of the landscape and the changes produced by the cultural management of its natural resources.

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The cleaning of the irrigation channels (acequias) is performed every year by local irrigators in Cáñar to ensure the smooth operation of irrigation during the summer.

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This short documentary shows the traditional planting of potatoes on a terrace in Canar, La Alpujarra (Sierra Nevada-Spain), by local farmers.

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The video presents the archaeoloigcal excavation of the islamic site at Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani). The structure is partially preserved in elevation, of considerable size (2,500 sq m), and with a total of about 55 cells collapsed.

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