L. Delgado Anés

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Los sistemas históricos de regadío son un ejemplo de modificación y adaptación del ser humano al medio natural. Su funcionamiento está ligado a complejos conocimientos ecológicos locales de las poblaciones que los han mantenido históricamente.


Historical irrigation systems are linked to the complex local ecological knowledge of the populations that have maintained them historically. Knowledge related to plants and animals, soil and surface and underground water.


This education digital resource has been put together by Maurizio Toscano (Eachtra Archaeological Projects Ltd) and Lara Delgado (University of Granada), with the collaboration of several researchers and illustrators belonging to other institutions.

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MEMOLA project infographic tries to quantify in numbers all the project effort and the work done in the last four years in an attractive format, highlighting relevant achievements and the impact produced in the four study areas.

MEMOLA project aims to promote heritage education with a focus on cultural landscapes, through the transmission of local knowledge, creation of participative spaces and inclusion of the educational community.

Study area: 
Study area: 

Dentro del proyecto MEMOLA trabajamos en comunicar, involucrar y fomentar la participación de las comunidades locales en diferentes actividades del proyecto, tanto en el proceso de investigación como en la parte de comunicación y difusión.

Study area: 
Study area: 
Research theme: 

MEMOLA project aims to promote heritage education with a focus on cultural landscapes, through the transmission of local knowledge, creation of participative spaces and inclusion of the educational community.

Study area: 
Research theme: 

The archaeological museums have evolved and redefined themselves including the Cultural Landscapes inside them. In fact, landscape has passed to be a protected area close to the archaeological site to have its own entity.

Study area: 
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