Gennaio 2015

Tu sei qui

Vídeos del ciclo de conferencias en la Madraza

El proyecto MEMOLA, coordinado por el profesor José María Martín Civantos, ha organizado junto con el Secretariado de Extensión Universitaria de la Universidad de Granada un ciclo de conferencias sobre “los sistemas históricos de regadío: entre la conservación y la modernización” en el Palacio de la Madraza (Granada) del 15 al 18 de diciembre.

The documentary of the rehabilitation of the traditional irrigation system of Barjas

The rehabilitation of the traditional irrigation system of Barjas (Granada, Spain).

After twenty years of abandonment, and even forty in the case of the branch of La Hijuela, the traditional irrigation system of Barjas was rehabilitated in collaboration with the National and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, and CEAMA. This campaign was undertaken between the months of February and March of 2014, using traditional techniques and knowledge provided by the local irrigators community. This activity involved a total of 180 national and international volunteers, and concluded with 5 kilometers of the channels restored, including the branch of La Hijuela.