A. Chavarría Arnau, A. Reynolds (eds.), 2015: Detecting and understanding historic landscapes, PCA Studies 2, SAP SOCIETÀ ARCHEOLOGICA S.R.L., Mantova.
The origins of this book lay in the international summer school "Detecting and interpreting landscape transformation" held in the inspiring setting of the Euganean Hills south of Padua, Italy in September 2013. The variety of methods, techniques, themes and topics covered during the summer school fairly reflected the current state of play in the field of landscape archaeology as broadly defined. As a result the publishing of this book was conceived to provide a practical guide to studying the archaeology of historic landscapes covering innovative approaches and methods, in the hope that it can serve as work of reference for archaeologist, academics and other professionals interested in the understanding of historic landscapes.
The book is composed of 16 chapters, written by outstanding international specialists, which allow the reader to understand how comprehensive research on historic landscape can be achieved. Special care has been taken in assuring the homogeneity of the different texts, which include separate illustrative case studies, box features and suggested further reading on the various topics in order to provide a useful tool for the teaching of landscape archaeology.
1. Detecting and understanding historic landscapes: approaches, methods and beneficiaries. Alexandra Chavarría Arnau
2. New directions in medieval landscape archaeology: an anglo-saxon perspective. Andrew Reynolds
3. Aerial photographs and aerial reconnaissance for landscape studies. David C. Cowley
4. Using airborne lidar in interpreting archaeological landscapes. Simon Crutchley
5. Reconnaissance of archaeology marks through satellite synthetic aperture radar. Rosa Lasaponara, Nicola Masini
6. Cropping for a better future: vegetation indices in archaeology. Armando de Guio
7. Historic landscape analysis: understanding the past in the present. Stephen Rippon
8. Archaeogeography and planimetric landscapes. Robin Brigand
9. Places-names in landscape archaeology. Richard Jones
10. Landscapes of hydraulic energy in medieval europe. Colin Rynne
11. Landscapes, settlements and sustainability. Carlo Citter
12. Reading the soilscape and the anthropic impact in its evolution. Robert Langohr, Cristiano Nicosia, Yannick Devos
13. Archaeobotany and past landscapes. Meriel McClatchie
14. The Landscape zooarchaeology of medieval england. Naomi Sykes
15. Landscape archaeology and rural communities: ethnoecology and social involvement. José María Martín Civantos
16. Some principles and methods for a stratigraphic study of historic landscapes. Gian Pietro Brogiolo
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