The MEditerranean MOuntainous LAndscapes Project, financed by European Commission FP-7 (nº 613265), is coordinated by José María Martin Civantos, associate professor and researcher at the Dept of Medieval History, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
The project aims to apply an interdisciplinary perspective to study the evolution of Mediterranean mountainous cultural landscapes. In September and October, 2014, the archaeological excavation started, at Pago del Jarafi (Lanteira-Granada). After obtaining great results, documenting numerous settlement structures, silos for grain storage and a necropolis, we are returning to Lanteira for a new excavation campaign.
The MEMOLA project partners that participate in this intervention are:
- Universidad de Granada
- Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio S.L.
- Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSIC-Escuela Española de Arqueología en Roma
We also count with the collaboration of Lanteira city councils¡, that will provide the necessary infrastructure to host the volunteers.
This year the excavation will be organized in 2 turns of 10 days each:
- september 4th-15th
- september 18th-29th
There is a limit of 20 volunteers for each turn. It is necessary to register by sending an email to:; Subject: JARAFÍ, including the following:
- Updated Resume
- Turn in which you would like to participate
- Indicate any food allergies.
- proof of accidental injury insurance
- Only one CV will be accepted in each email received, the email must correspond to the person who sends the CV.
Campaign details:
- Housing will be in a house given by the municipality of Lanteira, near to the excavation site.
- Bring a sleeping bag and appropriate work outfit (clothes, footwear and gloves).
- Due to the characteristics of the site it is advised to bring sun protection: cream and hat. Also winter clothes will be needed.
- Meals will be provided from Monday through Friday: breakfast, lunch (at the excavation site), and dinner.
- Working tools will be provided to all participants.
- Volunteers must bring proof of accidental injury insurance, valid during the time of their participation at the excavation.
- Complementary activities such as, working with archaeological ceramics and soil sample flotation will be held.
- Work schedule during the excavation will be from 8am to 3pm. The schedule could be modified depending on weather conditions.
- For all those who need it, a certificate of participation will be issued.