Día de los abuelos en Cáñar
El viernes 6 de junio del 2014 se organizó en el Colegio Público Rural El Alféizar en Cáñar (Alpujarra-Granada) un encuentro intergeneracional en el que los más mayores contaban cómo vivían antiguamente en Cáñar
The MEditerranean MOuntainous LAndscapes Project, financed by European Commission FP-7 (nº 613265), is coordinated by José María Martin Civantos, associate professor and researcher at the Dept of Medieval History, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
The project aims to apply an interdisciplinary perspective to study the evolution of Mediterranean mountainous cultural landscapes. In September and October, 2014, the archaeological excavation started, at Pago del Jarafi (Lanteira-Granada). After obtaining great results, documenting numerous settlement structures, silos for grain storage and a necropolis, we are returning to Lanteira for a second excavation campaign.
The MEMOLA project partners that participate in this intervention are:
We also count with the collaboration of Lanteira and Alquife city councils, that will provide the necessary infrastructure to host the volunteers.
This year the excavation will be organized in 3 turns of 10 days each:
There is a limit of 20 volunteers for each turn. It is necessary to register by sending an email to: info@arqueoandalusi.com ; Subject: JARAFÍ, including the following:
Campaign details: