March 2017

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Colli Euganei SummerSchool di ricerca partecipata

Prossimamente SummerSchool di ricerca partecipata sullo studio dei paesaggi storici dei Colli Euganei organizzato per UNIPD


Colli Euganei SummerSchool about Participatory Research

Coming soon Colli Euganei SummerSchool about Participatory Research (3rd-7th April) organise by UNIPD.

Ortega Santos y la gestión comunitaria

El pasado martes Ortega Santos (UGR) presentó "Miradas a la #gestión comunitaria de recursos naturales. Saberes Ambientales de Europa y América en el siglo XX" en el seminario de EURAME

Ortega Santos and the community management

Last Tuesday Ortega Santos (UGR) presented "Looking at natural resources community management. Environmental Knowledge in Europe and America, during the 20th Century" at the EURAME seminar

Presentation of hydraulic survey result at Monti di Trapani

Arqueo presented some results of hydraulic survey carried out in the territory of Monti di Trapani, at the school F. Vivona of Calatafimi Segesta

González Nóvoa y los servicios de los ecosistemas

El pasado jueves José González Nóvoa (UAM) presentó "El marco de los servicios de los ecosistemas: una herramienta para el análisis y la planificación socio-ecológica del territorio" en el seminario de EURAME

González Nóvoa and the ecosystem services

Last week José González Nóvoa (UAM) presented "The framework of Ecosystem Services: A tool to socio-ecological analysis and planning of the territory" at the EURAME seminar cycle.

Anteprima della nuova app "Colli Euganei Itinerari Culturali"

Anteprima della nuova applicazione mobile con gli itinerari culturali nei Colli Euganei. Sarà presto disponibile sui principali app store e sul sito web del progetto. Gedetevela!

Preview new mobile app "Colli Euganei Cultural Routes"

Preview of the new mobile app of the Colli Euganei Cultural Routes. Available soon on mobile app stores and on the project website. Enjoy!

"Into the woods" Conference Program

In recent years the number of actions and projects involving “ancient forests” or “ancient woodland” has greatly increased. (French National Forestry O ce exceptional forests scheme, WWF program for ancient forests, International Day of Forests, etc.). In ecological, economic and social terms, these forest spaces play numerous, diverse roles. 

The definition of “ancient forests” varies not only from country to country but also according to disciplinary field. Working on “ancient forests” can involve separating “old-growth forests” from “ancient woodland”, forests that have disappeared and, in the case of “current forests”, those that are not actually very old! “Ancient woodland” or “old growth forests” are often considered as “current forests” of a certain age, but the appreciation of this antiquity depends on time based thresholds that in turn depend on, amongst other things, the sources available to help reconstruct their history.

The aim of this conference is to allow specialists and researchers from various cultures and different professional felds to meet and exchange views about the study of ancient forests. Foresters, planners, developers, ecologists, biologists, agriculturalists, geographers, historians, philosophers, ethnologists, cartographers, archaeologists, archaeobotanists, sociologists etc., from all backgrounds, are invited to join this debate about our various and varying concept of “ancient forests”.

Download the program into the woods


UNIPD & UGR participated at a seminar in Padova

Yesterday UNIPD and UGR participated in the networking session for EC Projects in CH organized by RICHES project (Padova, Italy)

UNIPA e ARQUEO analizzano le comunità vegetali

UNIPA e ARQUEO analizzano le comunità vegetali e le caratteristiche dendrometriche degli alberi per ricostruire i processi storici e ecologici nell'antico “Bosco della Foresta” (Calatafimi)

Presentazione del libro a Padova

La Università di Padova presenterà il libro "Este, l'Adige e i Colli Euganei, storie di paessaggi " a cura di Gian Pietro Brogiolo

Book presentation in Padova

The University of Padova will present the book "Este, l'Adige and Colli Euganei, landscapes histories" coordinated by Gian Pietro Brogiolo

Limpieza anual de la acequia de Barjas en Cáñar

Abierto el plazo para participar en la III limpieza anual de la acequia de Barjas (Cáñar, Granada) ¿A qué esperas?

Anual cleanliness of Barjas channel in Cáñar

The University of Granada will collaborate in the anual cleanliness of Barjas channel in Cáñar(Granada) with the local irrigators community.

Romero Pellitero presentó aplicaciones de la teledetección

El pasado viernes Romero Pellitero (UGR) presentó "Aplicaciones de la #teledetección en el análisis histórico del paisaje" en VII Edicción Diálogos sobre arqueología

Romero Pellitero presented Remote sensing applications

Last Friday Romero Pellitero (UGR) presented "Remote sensing applications in landscape historical analysis" in the Forum: Dialogues on archaeology 7th Edition

Ruiz Ruiz presentó los sistemas de regadío

El pasado jueves Ruiz Ruiz (UGR) presentó de los regadíos andalusíes a los sistemas de riego coloniales mexicanos: una comparativa desde la etnología y la resiliencia dentro del seminario del master de EURAME

Ruiz Ruiz presented the irrigation systems

Last Thursday Ruiz Ruiz (UGR) presented "From the Andalusian irrigation systems to those in colonial Mexico: An Ethnoecology and resilience comparative analysis" at the seminar cycle from EURAME master

UGR participará en un congreso en Granada

La Universidad de Granada presentará "Aplicaciones de la teledetección en el análisis histórico del paisaje" por P. Romero Pellitero en VII Edicción Diálogos sobre arqueología

UGR will participate at a conference in Granada

The University of Granada will present "Remote sensing applications in landscape historical analysis" by P. Romero Pellitero in the Forum: Dialogues on archaeology 7th Edition