May 2015

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7th Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC)

Lo scorso martedí 19 di Maggio, il progetto MEMOLA è stato presentato al 7th Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC) “Agroecological assessment and functional-environmental optimization of soils and terrestrial ecosystems” che si è tenuto a Mosca (Federazione Russa) dal 18 al 22 maggio 2015.
MEMOLA è stato pubblicizzato con una serie di poster, illustrati da Giuseppe Lo Papa e Carmelo Dazzi durante le varie sessioni di esibizione previste, e da brochure informative che sono state consegnate ai partecipanti del congresso (circa 200 studiosi da numerosi paesi del mondo).
L’organizzazione ed i contenuti multidisciplinari del progetto hanno suscitato grande interesse tra i partecipanti.  Durante la presentazione del progetto, particolare attenzione è stata posta sull’importanza del suolo come risorsa naturale del paesaggio e come contenitore del patrimonio culturale e storico. Per questi ed altri servizi ecosistemici, il suolo rappresenta una delle più importanti componenti del paesaggio che richiede premurose attenzioni da parte della società ed oculata conservazione per il presente e soprattutto per le future generazioni.



7th Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC)

Last Tuesday 19th of May, MEMOLA project has been introduced in the 7th Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC) Agroecological assessment and functional-environmental optimization of soils and terrestrial ecosystems in Moscow (Russian Federation). MEMOLA has been publicized by posters, which have been illustrated by Giuseppe Lo Papa and Carmelo Dazzi during the exhibition sessions, and by informative brochures for the congress participants (almost 200 scientists from all over the world).
The multidisciplinary organization of the project raised huge interest among participants.  During the presentation, the importance of the soil as fundamental natural resource of the landscape and container of cultural and historical heritage has been stressed. For these and other ecosystem services, soil is one of the most important components of the landscape that needs attention and conservation for present and future generations.


Prospección arqueológica en el área del Marquesado del Zenete

Hemos comenzado la prospección arqueológica en el área del Marquesado del Zenete (‪‎Sierra Nevada‬) con nuestros colegas de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Granada.

The archaeological survey in the area of "Marquesado del Zenete"

We have begun the archaeological survey in the area of "Marquesado del Zenete" (‪‎Sierra Nevada‬) with our Prehistorians colleagues at the University of Granada. ‪

International experts explore the context of change and the move from analogue to digital

Cultural Heritage (CH) itself, the ways in which it is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited, or simply exists, have completely changed in the 21st century. This context of change has also transformed the roles and links between memory institutions, CH professionals, citizens, and economic and social actors at all the spheres of society.

In order to understand this context of change, the RICHES project organised a workshop at the Turkish National Library (Ankara, Turkey). Two intense days of discussion allowed the participants to discuss key questions about how these transformations are evolving, and identify the main opportunities and trends for the upcoming years.

On the 14th May the workshop explored best practices and trends on Cultural Heritage transmission in a changing world. Amalia Sabiescu (Coventry University, UK) provided insights about this context of change, particularly on the development of new skills and the preservation of traditional skills. Mayor Veysel Tiryaki, from the Ankara Municipality of Altindag (Turkey), presented the experience of Hamamonu and the transformation of physical resources. A guided tour on the afternoon allowed the participants to discover the results of the intervention at Hamamonu, which constitutes a case study in the framework of the RICHES project. Exploring the CH transmission and its impact on education and learning, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Kucuk (Hacettepe Technology Transfer Center, Turkey) presented the Global Libraries Project Turkey. Closing that session,  MEMOLA Project presented its activities on Cultural Landscapes as places to get involved.

The final session of the workshop was completely interactive and open to discussion. Participants addressed specific aspects linked to the workshop topics in three parallel discussion groups. 

Finally, the findings of the discussion sessions where reported to the global audience, and the RICHES project coordinator, Neil Forbes, concluded the event sharing the closing remarks. The event has been a successful platform to discuss key aspects linked to the RICHES project research, proving insights to continue exploring and understanding the context of change and the move from analogue to digital.

For more information visit: RICHES Workshop in Ankara (Turkey)

La Commissione Europea pubblica "I seminario sull'innesto"

Seminario teorico-pratico sull'innesto, tecniche di conservazione di antichi fruttiferi degli agro-sistemi tradizionali, ha ricosso un così grande sucesso che oggi la Commissione Europea pubblica la notizia sulla propia pagina ufficiale. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato. 

The European Commision publishes "the seminar about traditional grafting"

The theoretical and practical seminar about fruit trees grafting on traditional conservation techniques ‬has been so successful that today the ‪European Commission‬ publishes the news on their official page. Thanks to everyone who participated. ‪

Andalusian Landscapes: agroecosystems, peasant logic, production and subsistence

J.M. Martín Civantos, MEMOLA coordinator,  presents "the Andalusian Landscapes: agroecosystems, peasant logic, production and subsistence", on 20th of May. Organised by "Arqueología somos todos", at the "Casa Árabe" in Córdoba.

Paisajes andalusíes: agrosistemas, lógicas campesinas, producción y subsistencia

J.M. Martín Civantos, coordinador del proyecto MEMOLA,  presentará "Paisajes andalusíes: agrosistemas, lógicas campesinas, producción y subsistencia", el 20 de Mayo. Organizado por "Arqueología somos todos", en la "Casa Árabe"  en Córdoba.

Taller práctico Técnicas de cribado y flotación de sedimento arqueológico

La Universidad de Granada organiza un taller práctico "Técnicas de cribado y flotación de sedimento arqueológico" el 18 de mayo. Hay dos turnos. ¡Apúntate ya! se dará un certificado de participación.

Workshop Techniques for screening and flotation of ‪archaeological‬ sediment

‪The University of Granada organizes a MEMOLA workshop "techniques for screening and flotation of ‪archaeological‬ sediment" on 18th of May. There are two turns, sign up already! With a certificate of participation.

UGR participates at a Conference about environmental volunteers

15th of May the University of Granada will present "MEMOLA project" by J.M. Martín Civantos and L.Delgado Anés at the Conference "Jornadas Ecocampus 2015" organised by IDEA and the University of Granada about environmental volunteers.

UGR participa en una conferencia sobre voluntariado ambiental

El 15 de mayo la Universidad de Granada presentará el proyecto MEMOLA por J.M. Martín Civantos y L. Delgado Anés, en las Jornadas Ecocampus 2015 organizadas por IDEA y la Universidad de Granada sobre voluntariado ambiental.

UGR, EAP y UNESCO-AND participan en una conferencia en Ankara

14 de Mayo UGR, EAP y UNESCO-AND presentarán "Paisajes Culturales: Espacios para involucrarse" por J.M. Martín Civantos, M. Toscano y L.Delgado Anés organizado por el proyecto RICHES sobre "el contexto de cambio y el paso de analógico a digital".

UGR, EAP and UNESCO-AND participate at a Conference in Ankara

14th of May UGR, EAP and UNESCO-AND will present "Cultural Landscapes: Places to get involved" by J.M. Martín Civantos, M. Toscano and L.Delgado Anés organised by the RICHES project about "the context of change and the move from analogue to digital workshop"

Seminario sobre Paisajes Agrarios de Europa y México

El 14 de Mayo J.F. Ruiz Ruiz presenta "‪Paisajes‬ ‪Agrarios‬ de Europa y México: la gestión comunitaria del agua de riego desde una perspectiva ‪etnoecológica‬" en el Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de ‪México‬.

‪Seminar about Agricultural‬ ‪landscapes‬ of Europe and Mexico

14th of May J.F. Ruiz Ruiz presents "‪Agricultural‬ ‪landscapes‬ of Europe and Mexico: community management of irrigation water from an ‪ethnoecology‬ perspective" in the Centre of Research on ecosystems of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

The ‪fortified landscape‬ of the ‪Euganean Hills

Students of the Archaeology of Architecture from the University of Padova have made different ‪‎routes‬ included in the ‪fortified landscape‬ of the ‪Euganean Hills‬. In particular, have been analyzed the architectural techniques and materials used for the construction of the different phases of the castle of ‪Este‬.

Paesaggio fortificato‬ dei ‪Colli Euganei‬

Gli studenti di Archeologia dell'Architettura dell'Università di Padova hanno effettuato diversi ‪itinerari‬ inseriti nel ‪ paesaggio fortificato‬ dei ‪Colli Euganei‬. In particolare, sono state analizzati le tecniche architettoniche e i materiali utilizzati per la costruzione delle diverse fasi del castello di Este.

La restauración del Camino Real de Cáñar

Los trabajos de restauración del Camino Real de Cáñar empezaron el 11 de mayo. El ayuntamiento, con el apoyo del proyecto MEMOLA y con la financiación de ADR Alpujarra, ha empezado a trabajar en la recuperación del Camino Real. Este camino conecta el pueblo con la sierra, recorriendo un paisaje de gran valor natural y cultural.

The Restoration of a Historic Trail in Cañar

The Restoration of a Historic Trail in Cañar started on May 11th. Cañar's city council, with the support of the MEMOLA team, and the financial aid of the Alpujarra Local Development Association, started the recovery of a historic route which connected the village with the higher mountains and runs through a landscape of great natural and heritage value.

Lezione di archeobotanica presso UNIPD con L. Peña Chocarro

Oggi presso ‪UNIPD‬ lezione di ‪‎archeobotanica‬ in laboratorio con Leonor Peña Chocarro. Gli studenti hanno galleggiato i campioni di terreno prelevati nello scavo del castello ‪Montagnon‬, in ‪Colli Euganei‬

Archeobotanical lesson at the UNIPD with L. Peña Chocarro

Today at ‪the University of Padova, archaeobotanical‬ lesson in the laboratory with Leonor Peña Chocarro. Students have floated the soil samples taken in the excavation of the ‪Montagnon‬ castle, in ‪Colli Euganei‬

Seminario teorico-pratico sull'innesto

Seminario teorico-pratico sull'‪‎innesto‬, tecniche di conservazione di antichi fruttiferi degli agro-sistemi tradizionali, per agricoltori e appassionati. Sabato 16 maggio. ‪Calatafimi‬-‪Segesta‬

Theoretical and practical seminar about fruit trees ‪graft‬ing

Theoretical and practical seminar about fruit trees ‪grafting based on traditional conservation techniques. For farmers and enthusiasts. May 15, 2015 Calatafimi-Segesta 

Recuperación de la papa copo de nieve

El objetivo es recuperar esta variedad propia de Sierra Nevada y abastecer a agricultores locales de semilla, así como para el seguimiento de su cultivo y elaboración de unas directrices de prácticas ambientales que aseguren su conservación. El proceso de recuperación se está diseñando para poder asegurar el abastecimiento del mercado con tres producciones de acuerdo a un ciclo que se iniciaría en invierno en la vega de la Costa con la semilla producida en la alta montaña, continuaría con la plantación en febrero en la vega media (600-800 metros) y se cerraría con el cultivo en Sierra Nevada a principios del verano, en función de la altitud, que nos permitiría obtener una nueva cosecha de este producto de alta calidad y volver a producir semilla. 

Los zonas de cultivo para su recuperación de este producto  local son Nieles (Cástaras), Lugros y Cáñar. Se realizarán a diferentes cotas y en distintas fechas según las condiciones del terreno. Se ha comenzado a plantar en Nieles,  ya que la plantación es más temprana. Estos trabajos se realizarán mediante técnicas tradicionales y de la mano de agricultores locales. En los próximos meses informaremos de la plantación en Lugros y en Cáñar. 

La patata copo de nieve es una variedad de entre 5 y 10 centímetros de tamaño, redondeada, con numerosos brotes para la germinación. La cual se cultivaba hasta finales del siglo XVIII y es una patata que se adapta muy bien a las condiciones del terreno y de meteorología de Sierra Nevada.

II Campaña de excavación arqueológica en Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani)

El proyecto MEditerranean MOutainous LAndscapes, financiado por el 7º Programa Marco de Investigación, Desarrollo tecnológico y difusión de la Unión Europea (bajo el número de consorcio 613265), está coordinado por el profesor José María Martín Civantos del departamento de Historia Medieval y CCCTT de la Universidad de Granada (España).

Este proyecto se basa en el análisis de los paisajes culturales de montaña en el área mediterránea a través de una perspectiva multidisciplinar.

Entre Octubre y Noviembre de 2014 se llevó a cabo una primera intervención arqueológica, autorizada por la Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Trapani, en el yacimiento de Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani). En esa ocasión fueron excavadas cuatro celdas y la puerta de acceso a una estructura fortificada interpretada de manera preliminar, como granero colectivo de época islámica (siglos X?-XI).

Esta campaña, además de definir el ámbito cronológico y cultural del asentamiento de Pizzo Monaco, ha aportado datos para una lectura integral de diversos componentes del paisaje rural en los que se encuadra esta fortificación. Con ese propósito se realizaron tomas de muestras de tierra para el análisis edafológico (Universidad de Palermo) y se llevó a cabo la flotación de las muestras de tierra y sedimentos arqueológicos recogidos en los niveles de uso de los diferentes ambientes localizados, para la recuperación de restos vegetales antiguos (Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC). A estos análisis, todos aún en fase de estudio, se añade el topografiado integral y tridimensional del yacimiento y del cerro donde se ubica (Universidad de Granada).

La excavación además ha estado apoyada económicamente por el Ministserio de Cultura de España, a través de las “Ayudas arqueológicas en el exterior” y por la Fundación Max Van Berchem.

Los socios del proyecto MEMOLA que participan en esta II Campaña de excavación son:

  • Universidad de Granada (España);
  • Universidad de Sheffield (Inglaterra);
  • Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio S.L.
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior  de Investigaciones Científicas–CSIC- Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma.
  • Universidad de Palermo


Contamos además con la colaboración activa de los Ayuntamientos de Custonaci y Buseto Palizzolo que nos facilitarán apoyo logístico.

La excavación se desarrollará en dos turnos de 15 días cada uno:

  • 6-19 Julio 2015
  • 20 Julio-2 Agosto 2015

El número máximo de participantes por turno será 17 personas.

El plazo de inscripción estará abierto hasta el 31 de mayo de 2015 y deberá remitirse un correo electrónico al responsable de la organización Rocco Corselli (


  • turno en el que se quiere participar


  • el curriculum actualizado

Importante: es necesario indicar posibles alergias o intolerancias alimentarias.

Otros detalles:

  • El coste del viaje a Sicilia correrá a cargo de cada participante;
  • Es necesario saco de dormir, ropa de trabajo (botas de trabajo o trekking, guantes). Se aconseja, dado el periodo estival, crema solar y gorra o sombrero;
  • Las comidas (desayuno, almuerzo en la excavación, y cena) serán ofrecidos gratuitamente por la organización (de lunes a viernes);
  • Se proveerá de herramientas de excavación a los participantes;
  • Los participantes deberán tener un seguro de accidentes válido durante los 15 días que dure el turno de participación. Así como documento de identificación personal válido.
  • La orografía del yacimiento y la peculiaridad del mismo requieren buena capacidad física (hará calor y el trabajo de excavación es bastante duro)
  • Se realizarán actividades complementarias a la excavación (trabajo con cerámica arqueológica y flotación de muestras de tierra).
  • Horario de trabajo: 7:00-15:00. Estos horarios se podrán ver modificados en función de la climatología.
  • Para todo el que lo solicite se os proporcionará un certificado de asistencia y participación en los trabajos realizados.


Local potato variety called "copo de nieve" recovery campaign

The goal is to recover this variety from Sierra Nevada and provide farmers with its seed for planting, as well as give technical support to cultivate it and to elaborate environmental guidelines to assure its conservation. The recovery process has been design to ensure market supply with three productions per cycle. This cycle starts during winter at the Coastal Plain with the seed produced in the upper mountain, it  continues with its planting in the month of February at the Middle Plain ( 600-800 meters) to conclude at the beginning of summer with its planting in Sierra Nevada, depending on the altitude, allowing obtaining a new harvest of this high quality product and the production of a new seed.

The cultivation areas to recover this local product are Nieles (Cástaras), Lugros y Cáñar. Depending on the terrain conditions the planting will be done in different periods of time and altitudes. The planting at Nieles has already started.  The work involved will be done with traditional techniques and by the local farmers. In the following months planting will start at Lugros and Cañar.

The "copo de nieve" potato is a variety of a size of 5 to 10 centimeters, rounded, with many sprouts for germination. It was cultivated in Sierra Nevada until the 18th century, thanks to its good adaptation to the terrain and weather conditions.

II Campagna di scavo archeologico a Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani)

Il progetto MEditerranean MOuntainous LAndscapes, finanziato attraverso il Settimo Programma Quadro (FP7) di Ricerca, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Dimostrazione dell’Unione Europea (convenzione di sovvenzione n° 613265), è coordinato dal Prof. José María Martín Civantos del dipartimento di Historia Medieval e CCCTT dell’Università di Granada (Spagna). 
Questo progetto si basa sull’analisi dei paesaggi culturali di montagna nell’area mediterranea, attraverso una prospettiva multidisciplinare. 

Tra Ottobre e Novembre del 2014 è stato condotto un primo scavo archeologico, autorizzato dalla Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Trapani, nel giacimento di Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani). In tale occasione sono stati scavati 4 ambienti e la porta di accesso ad una struttura fortificata, interpretata preliminarmente come granaio collettivo di epoca islamica (X?-XI secolo). 
Questa campagna, oltre a definire l’ambito cronologico e culturale dell’insediamento di Pizzo Monaco, ha fornito ulteriori dati per una lettura integrata delle diverse componenti del paesaggio rurale in cui si inserisce tale fortificazione. A tal proposito sono stati prelevati dei campioni di terreno per l’analisi pedologica (Università di Palermo), è stata compiuta una prospezione geochimica (Università di Sheffield) ed una botanica (Università di Palermo), ed è stata effettuata una flottazione (Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC) dei sedimenti archeologici raccolti nei vari piani d’uso dei singoli ambienti scavati, per il recupero dei resti vegetali antichi. A queste analisi, tutte in corso di studio, si aggiunge il rilievo integrale e tridimensionale del sito e del rilievo calcareo su cui questo si erge (Università di Granada).

L'attività di scavo è stata inoltre supportata economicamente dal Ministerio de Cultura de España, attraverso il "Finanziamento per le Missioni Archeologiche Spagnole all'Estero", e dalla benemerita Fondazione Max van Berchem di Ginevra.

I soci del progetto MEMOLA che participano in questa II Campagna di scavo sono: 

• Università di Granada (Spagna);
• Università di Sheffield (Inghilterra);
• Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio S.L. (società privata con sede a Granada);
• Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas–CSIC- Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma. 

Contiamo altresì sulla collaborazione attiva con il Comune di Custonaci e Buseto Palizzolo che forniranno l’appoggio logistico. 

Lo scavo si svolgerà in due turni di 15 giorni ciascuno:
6-19 Luglio 2015
20 Luglio-2 Agosto 2015

Il limite massimo dei parteciapanti è di 17 persone per ogni turno. 
L’iscrizione dovrà avvenire per e-mail entro il 31 maggio 2015, scrivendo al Dr. Rocco Corselli (
• il turno preferente al quale si vuole partecipare
• il proprio curriculum aggiornato
N.B. nella stessa mail vanno indicate eventuali allergie o intolleranze alimentari
Altri dettagli:
• il costo del viaggio è a carico di ogni partecipante;
• è necessario un sacco a pelo, vestiti da cantiere (scarpe antinfortunistiche, guanti da lavoro). Si consiglia, visto il periodo della campagna, crema di protezione solare e cappello;
• tutti i pasti (colazione, pranzo (sullo scavo), e cena) verranno offerti gratuitamente dall’organizzazione (dal lunedì al venerdì); 
• gli strumenti di scavo (trowel, etc.) verranno forniti gratuitamente dall’organizzazione;
• i partecipanti dovranno dovranno essere muniti di un documento di identità valido e un certificato di assicurazione personale;
• la natura orografica del terreno e la peculiarità del sito richiedono una buona capacità fisica dei partecipanti (farà caldo e lo scavo e fisicamente duro!)
• si svolgeranno attività collaterali allo scavo (lavaggio e siglatura della ceramica, flottazione dei campioni di terra per l’analisi archeobotanica); 
• orario di lavoro: 7:00 - 15:00. Tale orario potrà subire modifiche a seconda della clima;
• verrà rilasciato un certificato di partecipazione.

II Archaeological Excavation Campaign at Pizzo Monaco (Custonaci, Trapani)

The MEditerranean MOuntainous LAndscapes Project, financed by European Commission FP-7 (#613265), is coordinated by José María Martin Civantos, associate professor and researcher at the Dept of Medieval History, Universidad de Granada (Spain).

The project aims to apply an interdisciplinary perspective to study the evolution of Mediterranean mountainous cultural landscapes.

In October and November of  2014, took place the first archaeological intervention , authorized by the  Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Trapani, at the site of Pizzo Monaci (Custonaci, Trapani). During this activity we excavated four cells and the main entrance of a fortified structure, identified as a possible collective granary from Islamic times (10th?-11th centuries)

This campaigned not only allowed to determined the chronological and cultural frame of the Pizzo Monaco settlement, but also provided data for an integrated reading of the rural landscape in which the fortified granary is located. Thus, the University of Palermo took soil samples for a dafology analysis. Archaeological sediments taken from the different use levels of the different localised environments and  soil samples, were flotated in order to extract ancient vegetable remains (Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma-CSIC). In addition, the University of Granada developed an integral triditopography of the settlement and the hill in which it is located.

The excavation  was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture in Spain, through the funding  “Ayudas arqueológicas en el exterior”, and the Max Van Berchem Foundation.

The MEMOLA partners that participate in the II excavation Campaign are:

  • Universidad de Granada (Spain);
  • Universidad de Sheffield (UK);
  • Arqueoandalusí Arqueología y Patrimonio S.L.
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior  de Investigaciones Científicas–CSIC- Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma.
  • University of Palermo

We also count with the collaboration of  Custonaci and  Buseto Palizzolo city councils, that will provide logistical support.

This year the excavation will be organized in 2 turns of 15 days each:

  • July 6th-19th 2015
  • July 20th-August 2nd 2015

There is a limit of 17 volunteers for each turn.

Registration will be open until may 31st, 2015. It is necessary to send an email to:

Rocco Corselli ( including the following:

  • Updated Resume
  • Turn in which you would like to participate
  • Indicate any food allergies.

Campaign details:

  • Participants need to cover for their travel costs.
  • Bring a sleeping bag and appropriate work outfit (clothes, footwear and gloves).
  • Due to the characteristics of the site it is advised to bring sun protection: cream and hat.
  • Meals will be provided by the organisation from Monday through Friday: breakfast, lunch (at the excavation site), and dinner.
  • Working tools will be provided to all participants.
  • Volunteers must bring proof of accidental injury insurance, valid during the time of their participation at the excavation. Also a valid ID card.
  • The peculiarities of the terrain require good physical condition ( the weather is really hot and the excavation conditions will be hard)
  • There will be Complementary activities such as, working with archaeological ceramics and soil sample flotation
  • Work schedule will be from 7:00am to 3pm . The schedule could be modified depending on the weather conditions.
  • For all those who need it, an assistance certification will be issued.