Septiembre 2016

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The 3rd stage of the III Archaeological excavation started

This week started the 3rd stage of the III Archaeological excavation campaign at Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada)

UGR participa en un seminario en Granada

La Universidad de Granada participa en el seminario "Conservación de las acequias del Fardes". J.Mª Martín Civantos y L. Delgado Anés presentaran la experiencia del proyecto MEMOLA en la recuperación de las acequias de careo.

UGR participated at the seminar in Granada

The University of Granada participated in the seminar about the conservation of the traditional irrigation channel. J.Mª Martín Civantos and L. Delgado Anés will present the experience of MEMOLA project in the recovery of the traditionals irrigations channels

The archaeological excavation at the site of Magjerice (Rapcke) continuous

Since the 15th of August CeRPHAAL is conducting the 2nd season of archaeological excavation at the site of Magjerice (Rapcke), Permet.

Finaliza el 2º turno de la excavación del "Pago del Jarafí"

El pasado viernes finalizó el 2º turno de la III campaña de excavación arqueológica en el "Pago Del Jarafí" (Lanteira, Granada). Gracias a todos los voluntarios!!

2nd stage of the III Archaeological excavation campaign at "Pago del Jarafí" finished

Last Friday finished the 2nd stage of the III Archaeological excavation campaign at Pago Del Jarafí (Lanteira,Granada). Thank you to all volunteers!!

Comienzan los días de la experiencia arqueológica

Día de la experiencia arqueológica. Ayer empezaron las actividades participativas en la excavación arqueológica con la Asociación de Mujeres de Lanteira (Granada)

Archaeological excavation ON AIR

Cadena SER Guadix radio live program at the archaeological excavation "Pago Del Jarafí" (Lanteira, Granada)

The Archaeological Experience Day starts

Archaeological Experience Day. Yesterday we started the participatory activity in the archaeological excavation with the Local Women Association Vista Alegre (Lanteira,Granada).

MEMOLA takes part in the XIV Congress of the European Society for Agronomy

UCO and UGR took part in the XIV Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, focused on Growing Landscapes – Cultivating innovative agricultural systems, held this year in Edinburg from the 5th to the 9th of September.

Specifically, they presented a poster titled Potential impacts of Water Framework Directive on the enviromental services associated with historical irrigation systems: a case study from Southern Spain in "Session 8: Landscape management for food and ecosystem services".

You can downlaod the full resolution poster in our Resources section.

Empieza el segundo turno de la III Campaña de la excavación arqueológica de Lanteira

Esta semana ha empezado el segundo turno de la III campaña de la excavación arqueológica del Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada)

The 2nd stage of the III Archaeological excavation campaign in Lanteira started

This week started the 2nd stage of the III Archaeological excavation campaign at Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada)

Into the Woods: call for submissions

Da quindici anni a questa parte, le azioni e i progetti realizzati in favore delle "foreste antiche" si sono moltiplicati: il riconoscimento da parte dell’ONF (Ufficio nazionale delle foreste) di foreste “d’eccezione”, il progetto “Foreste antiche” del WWF, la Giornata Internazionale delle Foreste, etc. Di fronte alle problematiche ecologiche, economiche e sociali del momento, le funzionalità di tali zone forestali sono numerose.

Le definizioni stesse di "foreste antiche" sono diverse tra loro e variano a seconda dei paesi, ma anche delle discipline che le studiano. Parlare di "foreste antiche" ci porta ad escludere il concetto di "antiche foreste" – le foreste che oggi non esistono più – e le "foreste attuali" – le foreste che non avrebbero anzianità. Le "foreste antiche" sono dunque "foreste attuali", ma provviste di una certa anzianità la cui stima è determinata da soglie temporali che dipendono, tra le altre cose, dalle fonti a disposizione per ricostruire tale passato.

Il presente convegno intende favorire l’incontro e lo scambio tra specialisti e ricercatori, tra discipline, culture ed orizzonti professionali diversi sullo studio delle foreste antiche. Esperti di tutte le discipline, in foreste, ecologia, biologia, agronomia, geografia, storia, etnologia, cartografia, archeologia, paleoetnobotanica, sociologia, etc, potranno discutere della nozione complessa di "foreste antiche".

Scarica la prima circolare Into the Woods (4.51 MB)

Abstract e submission:

L'abstract per la comunicazione orale o il poster deve essere presentato entro il 30 novembre 2016 all'indirizzo di posta elettronica

Il testo dell'abstract non deve eccedere i 2500 caratteri 

Gli autori saranno informati via e-mail prima del 15 Gennaio 2017 se la loro presentazione è stata accettata dal comitato scientifico.

Into the Woods: call for submissions

In recent years the number of actions and projects involving “ancient forests” or “ancient woodland” has greatly increased. (French National Forestry O ce exceptional forests scheme, WWF program for ancient forests, International Day of Forests, etc.). In ecological, economic and social terms, these forest spaces play numerous, diverse roles.

The definition of “ancient forests” varies not only from country to country but also according to disciplinary  field. Working on “ancient forests” can involve separating “old-growth forests” from “ancient woodland”, forests that have disappeared and, in the case of “current forests”, those that are not actually very old! “Ancient woodland” or “old growth forests” are often considered as “current forests” of a certain age, but the appreciation of this antiquity depends on time based thresholds that in turn depend on, amongst other things, the sources available to help reconstruct their history.

The aim of this conference is to allow specialists and researchers from various cultures and different professional  felds to meet and exchange views about the study of ancient forests. Foresters, planners, developers, ecologists, biologists, agriculturalists, geographers, historians, philosophers, ethnologists, cartographers, archaeologists, archaeobotanists, sociologists etc., from all backgrounds, are invited to join this debate about our various and varying concept of “ancient forests”.

Download First circular into the woods (4.51 MB)

Abstract and submission:

Abstract for oral or poster communication should be submitted before the 30 november 2016 at
The text of the abstract must be under 2500 characters.

The authors will be informed by email before 15 january 2017 if their submission has been accepted by the scientific committee.

Finaliza el primer turno de la III Campaña arqueológica del Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira)

El viernes finalizó el primer turno de la III Campaña arqueológica del Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada). ¡Muchas gracias a todos los voluntarios!


The 1st stage of the III Archaeological excavation campaign at Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira) finished

Last Friday finished the first stage of the III archaeological excavation campaign at Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada). Thank you to all volunteers!


Curso de verano revalorizar los sistemas históricos de regadío como parte de nuestro futuro

Ayer la Universidad de Granada y Arqueoandalusi participaron en el curso de verano "revalorizar los sistemas históricos de regadío como parte de nuestro futuro" organizado por la universidad de Granada. 


Summer course "to revalue the historical irrigation systems as part of our future"

Yesterday the University of Granada and Arqueoandalusi participated in the summer course "to revalue the historical irrigation systems as part of our future" by International University of Andalucia.

Ha comenzado el primer turno de la excavación arqueológica en el Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira)

El 29 de Agosto comenzó el primer turno de la excavación arqueológica en el Pago Del Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada). Pronto comenzarán las visitas guiadas y otras novedades. Os mantendremos informados.

The 1st stage of archaeological excavation at "Pago del Jarafí" started

Last week started the first stage of archaeological excavation at Pago del Jarafí '16 (Lanteira, Granada). We will soon start guided visits and others news. Stay tuned!